Grow into your PhD

Training Essentials

Target Audience

  • Early career researchers
  • Doctoral students
  • Postdocs

Training Methodology

  • Individualized and collaborative
  • Research-based content
  • Practice with exercises

Trainer Expertise

  • Strong background in physics research
  • Experienced and engaging presenter
  • Dedicated to inclusivity and academic growth

Attendee Testimonials

92% of attendees rate our trainings as excellent or good and would recommend them to others.

Master Academic Presentations
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The section about storytelling was particularly enlightening because it hadn't occurred to me that such varied formats of storytelling were possible.
Become an Ally for Minorities in Science
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Statements backed by actual research and relevant citations. Very relevant interactive simulation sessions.
How to Be a Kind and Happy Researcher
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It was the first workshop in a long time when I thought too little time was calculated for the course. It was very relevant. The way the workshop was given (clocks on the slides, summaries of what was important, a clear path through the course) was very advantageous for the learning process.
Building Bridges in Science
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It was great how the trainer managed to combine the general topics of empathy and diversity with specific research-related topics.
How to Be a Kind and Happy Researcher
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The presenter really embodied the positivity of the central message.
Master Academic Presentations
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I liked that there were many interactive exercises.
How to Be a Kind and Happy Researcher
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It helped me organize my thoughts for finding a balance between everyday life and work.

Training Specifics

Participants: max. 25

Time: 3 hours

In this workshop, the speaker aims to integrate their personal philosophy with scientific research and practical examples to foster kindness and happiness among researchers.

Discover the four pillars of a kind and happy research life: pursuing meaningful goals, fostering a positive attitude, building strong relationships, and practicing kindness always. Review specific tactics designed to increase happiness and kindness in your personal and research life.

In particular, we will cover:

  • The research behind happiness and kindness,
  • What we can do about the mental health crisis in academia,
  • Promoting a culture of kindness and compassion within the research community,
  • How to increase individual well-being and mental health through proven strategies,
  • Managing stress and maintaining a positive mindset,
  • When to reach out for help and to whom.

Participants get to try out happiness and kindness tactics during applied exercises. You will leave with practical tools to improve your own well-being and that of others. Together, we can create an environment where individuals, institutions, and the scientific community flourish.

Participants: max. 20

Time: 1/2 day

This workshop is designed to empower early career researchers with the tools to cultivate resilience and embrace a growth mindset. It focuses on overcoming challenges, learning from failures, and maintaining a positive attitude throughout your academic journey.

Explore the importance of resilience and a growth mindset in research. Develop practical strategies to bounce from setbacks, overcome common challenges faced by early career researchers, and enhance self-care practices. Discover the power of mindset in shaping learning, motivation, and achievement, and learn techniques to foster a growth mindset that will pave the way to academic success.

In particular, we will cover:

  • The research behind resilience and mindset,
  • Normalizing, discussing, and learning from failures,
  • How culture influences our attitude towards setbacks,
  • Preparing for future challenges and learning to pivot,
  • How to harness positive and negative emotion cycles,
  • Using your strengths to help you be more resilient,
  • Why making time for a life outside academia will help your career,
  • Embracing being a work in progress.

Participants get to reflect through applied exercises and group discussions during the workshop. You will leave with hands-on strategies that you can apply regularly to become resilient and growth-oriented. Join us to learn how to navigate challenges and embrace a growth mindset.

Participants: max. 10

Time: 1/2 day

Enhance your interpersonal communication skills with a workshop that focuses on the importance of empathy and active listening in research environments, providing practical techniques to build strong connections and maintain effective communication.

Understand the impact of empathy and inclusivity on teamwork and collaboration in research. Cultivate active listening skills to decode then respond to others’ perspectives and needs. Strengthen relationships with supervisors, peers, and collaborators. Navigate conflicts constructively through empathetic communication.

In particular, we will cover:

  • The research behind empathy and active listening,
  • How to practice perspective shifting with empathy maps,
  • Verbal and non-verbal cues,
  • Asking for context while looking for subtext,
  • The role of tactful humor to defuse emotionally charged situations,
  • What is an empathetic response and how to individualize it.

Participants get to practice their empathetic response and refine their listening skills in small groups. A class-wide empathy circle addressing your unique research challenges will take place at the end of the workshop. Join us to expand your perception of the ways people communicate, gain applied strategies to foster a supportive research environment, and connect with fellow researchers.

Participants: max. 15

Time: 1/2 day

With this workshop, you will learn how to promote inclusivity and support gender, sexual, and cultural minorities in the research community. Through interactive discussions and practical strategies, you will cultivate allyship and create positive change in your academic community.

Recognize the challenges faced by minorities in scientific fields. Develop skills to become an effective ally and advocate for inclusivity and equity. Discover strategies to foster diversity, manage unconscious bias, and create welcoming spaces for all. Address sensitive topics in a constructive dialogue to promote understanding.

In particular, we will cover:

  • Who is a minority in science,
  • The research behind unconscious bias and intersectionality,
  • How to create a personal allyship action plan,
  • Assessing your disadvantages and privileges,
  • How to shift perspective with active listening and empathy maps,
  • What stereotype threat is and how it can affect academic performance,
  • Noticing and combatting microaggressions.

Participants get to dive deep through scenario analyses and group discussions. By actively engaging in this workshop, you will connect with peers, share experiences, and commit to becoming an ally in your research community. Together, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment where everyone can thrive and contribute to scientific advancements.

Participants: max. 10

Time: 1 day

This workshop is a combination of the previous two.

Enhance your interpersonal communication skills and learn how to support gender, sexual, and cultural minorities in the research community. Through interactive discussions, this workshop highlights the importance of empathy, active listening, diversity and allyship in research environments. Providing practical strategies to build strong connections, maintain effective communication, promote inclusivity and create positive change in your academic community.

Understand the impact of empathy on collaboration. Cultivate active listening skills to decode then respond to others’ perspectives and needs. Strengthen relationships with supervisors, peers, and collaborators. Navigate conflicts constructively through empathetic communication.

Gain an understanding of the challenges faced by minorities in scientific fields. Develop skills to become an effective ally and advocate for inclusivity and equity. Discover strategies to foster diversity, manage unconscious bias, and create welcoming spaces for all. Address sensitive topics in a constructive dialogue to promote understanding.

In particular, we will cover:

  • The research behind empathy and active listening,
  • How to shift perspective with active listening and empathy maps,
  • Verbal and non-verbal cues,
  • Asking for context while looking for subtext,
  • What is an empathetic response and how to individualize it,
  • The research behind unconscious bias and intersectionality,
  • How to create a personal allyship action plan,
  • What stereotype threat is and how it can affect academic performance,
  • Noticing and combating microaggressions.

Participants get to practice their empathetic response and refine their listening skills in small groups. We will also dive deep into several diversity topics through scenario analyses and roundtable discussions. By actively engaging in this workshop, you will connect with peers and commit to becoming an ally in your research community. Join us to expand your perception of the ways people communicate. Together, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment where everyone can thrive and contribute to scientific advancements.

Participants: max. 15

Time: 1 day

Embarking on a successful career beyond the PhD requires more than just technical expertise; it necessitates a well-structured plan and a deep understanding of your goals and values. In this workshop, we’ll guide you in crafting a personalized career plan that aligns with your authentic self and your aspirations.

Gain clarity through self and career explorations. Align your career with yourself and not the other way around. Set meaningful career goals and develop a concrete action plan.

In particular, we will cover:

  • The research that shows using your strengths at work increases well-being,
  • Understanding your motivations, skills, strengths, values, and career aspirations,
  • Career paths in academia, industry, entrepreneurship, government and non-profit,
  • Setting clear and achievable short and long-term goals that resonate with you,
  • The importance of effective professional networking in getting the career you want,
  • How to build resilience to navigate setbacks and challenges,
  • Regular career plan assessments and adjustments.

Participants get to create a preliminary career plan through self-assessment exercises and group discussions. You will leave with a personalized roadmap outlining your meaningful career goals and the actions necessary to achieve them. Join us to take the first step towards a successful and fulfilling career beyond the PhD, tailored to your unique aspirations.

Participants: max. 15

Time: 1.5 days

This workshop is designed to empower early career researchers with the practical skills to successfully plan their research. It focuses on three key aspects: goal setting, time tracking, and project management.

Gain clarity and set meaningful goals aligned with your aspirations and research objectives. Learn proven time management strategies to optimize productivity and create a realistic schedule. Develop project management skills to break down complex tasks, stay organized, and meet deadlines.

In particular, we will cover:

  • The research behind goal setting and effective planning,
  • A unified organization method for the long, medium, and short term,
  • The difference between goals, projects and tasks,
  • Methods for time tracking and time blocking,
  • How to get a realistic estimate of the time you have available,
  • The research behind following through,
  • Borrowing from agile project management as a researcher,
  • Digital and analogue tools for project and task management,
  • Regular assessment and adjustments,
  • What to do when nothing goes according to plan.

Participants get to practice their organizational skills at several points during the workshop. You will leave with a rough research plan for the next quarter that you can polish on your own later. Join us to gain the skills needed to plan and achieve your research goals.

Participants: max. 15

Time: 2 days

Effective communication is paramount in the world of research. Your ability to convey complex ideas concisely and engagingly influences your impact as a researcher. This workshop is designed to equip you with the skills to create compelling presentations that captivate your audience and enhance your research dissemination.

Discover why you need both solid research and a good story to convince your audience. Delve into the art of slide-writing: from action titles, through layout, to details. Practice the basics of a good presentation delivery.

In particular, we will cover:

  • The research behind effective communication and storytelling,
  • Why knowing your audience is the first step to a successful presentation,
  • Finding the story in your data,
  • Ingredients for a compelling story from fiction writing,
  • How to balance your speaking time, story and number of slides,
  • The sure-fire method for crafting effective slides,
  • Rehearsing and delivery tips from the world of theater.

Participants get to refine their own presentation through applied exercises and instructor feedback. You will leave with a solid storyline, a rough slide deck, and the tools to polish your presentation and delivery on your own later. Join us to transform your presentations from confusing or boring to enlightening and unforgettable.

A PhD is freaking hard!

So don’t do it alone.

Join our supportive community and grow into your PhD.